Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bright Sunshiny Day sky...we just had to walk outside today!  After all, it's important for Alfie to understand that all his walking "rules" apply just as much out on a walking path as they do on city sidewalks and inside stores.  Of course we practiced obedience work too, like sit/stay...
Alfie in blue jacket, sitting in the sunshine with his leash on the ground
...and down/stay.
Alfie in a down on the path
I wish I could say that Alfie ignored the beautiful roadrunner gliding ahead of us due to his excellent training, but that wouldn't be quite true...
roadrunner barely visible in the distance in tall dry grass
He did ignore the roadrunner, but I'm pretty sure he just didn't see it in all the tall grass ahead!

More excitement ensued when we found that, due to recent rains, our normal route was flooded!  Alfie was definitely game for forging ahead...I tried to explain that fording river crossings probably wouldn't be in his job description as a guide dog.  So it was back to the alternate -- dry -- route.  Overall, Alfie did great, walking on a loose lead, paying good attention (for a puppy!) and not getting distracted by all the new smells.  Good job Alf!

closeup of Alfie's face as he sits in front of flooded creekbed

There's nothing like getting outside for an afternoon!

Alfie & I walking on trail among tall oaks


Erin said...

We are supremely jealous of the weather you are having!!

Beth and Alfie said...

Yeah, 70+ degrees in January is unusual even for Austin! :-)