Monday, December 13, 2010


Family update:

The view from my van on moving day:  It's overcast, the Missouri welcome sign is on the side of the road, and ahead is a 26-foot U-Haul towing our little red car

We made it to Missouri...guess what, it snows here!  We're settling in and enjoying my Mom's hospitality while waiting for our house in Austin to close (looks like it'll be before Christmas).  Soon we hope to start looking for a place of our own.  Everything has gone really smoothly so far, and we've got a lot to be thankful for!

Alfie update:

I hear from Larry that Alfie's been having quite an adjustment period with his new raiser!  His new family has kids, an older dog, and an assortment of other animals, from what I understand:  cat, birds, tortoise, and a miniature horse if I've got it right.  Sounds like he's had some issues with settling down and determining his place in his new family "pack".  Some readers may remember that when he went on puppy swap before, he "forgot" some of his training (finds and things), and that's been happening again.  Larry said he thought it was Alfie's way of reacting to the stresses in his new environment.  However, Larry says he's settling in much better now and seems to be getting more comfortable with it all.  I know this is going to be such a maturing experience for him and certainly appreciate all the work his new family is putting in! 

Larry also said that the assessment, previously scheduled for January, is now being delayed until the spring.  Maybe some extra "growing-up" time is a good thing though, given all the adjustments Alfie's undergoing!  He has tons of potential and I'm really expecting good things from him as he goes along. 

In the meantime, I'll leave you with an Alfie picture.  All my good Alfie pictures are on a computer that's still packed away -- oh well!  This one's framed funny but I love his expression.

Alfie's panting, eager face is looking up
Be a good boy for me, Alf!